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الزيارات: 15269
البلد: تركيا
المنطقة: أنقرة
نوع الإعلان: عرض
In 1964, the founder of the career tailoring with SETRMS'in STEEL başladı.Ankara Mehmet's famous tailors Mehmet Bey, the first job or profession that grows next to the street, 14m2 10.yılında Nation of Konya opened as a Terzihane. In 1964, the principles of the brand today Setrms' 100% customer satisfaction, quality and safety, a network concepts introduced him ranks. The best quality fabrics and materials prepared by the men of that day proudly offering its customers exclusive STEEL teams between 1983-1996 made many famous and protocol tailoring customer order.

Started production of apparel in 1987 in order to meet the heavy demand STEEL stores opened in 1991, a workshop Demetevler'de . Over time, the location of the deficiencies in the workshop of the Sites 1.250m2 left and Ankara Kızılay new facility in order to provide better service to our wholesale customers a 500 m2 showroom started. Wholesale dealerships across Turkey, together with the increased production was given. Today, however, is based on a closed area of 4800 m2 Setrms Balgat Ankara factory employs 300 staff within the total. In addition to many cities of Turkey itself with its own incentives to the production works with more than 15 workshops.

Yesterday till today 100% customer satisfaction and sense of quality, unique designs, high quality and exclusive collections of fabrics Setrms' i always made it different. Turkey 's largest fabric factories, and in particular by integrating models dokutulan Setrms unique fabrics every season with a range of nearly 500 different models SETRMS'i has created the most prestigious brand in its field in Turkey. Today, Turkey Setrms Setrms products offered to more than 250 brands in its field at the peak of each woman moved. In addition, more than fifteen Setrms that contribute to the country's economy with exports of the country has become an enterprise. This is some of the countries of Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, Iran, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Egypt, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan

Retail chain of stores in 2003 and started to create in order to reach consumers directly. Ankara Kızılay consisting of 650 m2 with a different understanding of merchandising Setrms serving a very short time become one of the stores and the number of Ankara Etlik second branch opened in the first year. Pilot area in Ankara attempt to give positive responses in a short time than expected as a result of the new stores will be opened in the list of 450 m2 in the provinces of Malatya fabulous store has been opened with the participation of a protocol. 700m2 in the first quarter of 2007, a total of 6 floors in Konya and Kayseri Shopping and Life Center (Central Anatolia's largest shopping mall) patients by directly contacting consumers continue to improve the quality of service. In the last quarter of 2007, which is Turkey's largest shopping center in front of the objectives of that year Antares was taking place between the major department stores.

Setrms continues to invest in the first quarter of 2008, some of the firsts in the industry by offering almıştır.2010 acity Outlet Mall location in Izmir say hello to a huge store of 500 m2 with 3 floors Setrms, and in 2011 turned the direction of the eastern provinces of Diyarbakir Nineveh Park Mall store with an area of 300 square meters, the last quarter of açmıştır.2011 5-storey store in Ankara that Setrms Xinjiang, the first of the year 2012 ACAM quarter Setrms store in Istanbul, Fatih, 1.yarısında Vatan Street in 2012 in Kayseri mağazasınıda service from feasibility studies and negotiations currently ongoing in the provinces açmıştır.Hali available. Priority provinces for the period ahead, Istanbul, Istanbul, Izmit, Eskisehir, Adana, Bursa, Gaziantep, Denizli, Ankara, Izmir and Bursa, respectively. Setrms targets in Turkey and abroad in 10 years to reach 96 points of sale. Setrms the success of the quality, original design, customer satisfaction and constant innovation is owed is always expressed.


SETRMS - SETRE Konfeksiyon Ltd.Sti.

Ehlibeyt Mah. 1271.Sk. 35 / 5-6 Balgat-ANKARA/TÜRKİYE

Tel: +9(0312) 472 33 00
Fax: +9(0312) 472 33 01
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المستخدم منذ ذلك الحين: Jul 11, 2013
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