Sleepwear for Ladies Collection 2013

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الزيارات: 3515
البلد: تركيا
المنطقة: اسطنبول
نوع الإعلان: عرض
BRIX UCD Yeşildirek al texiline had started its production activities in 1971, the capacity of the product group and was maintained by increasing with each passing day.

Production, knitting, cutting, sewing, ironing-packaging, and storage Units 3500m 2 'which is based on a closed area of the production capacity of its plant in gerçeklestirmektedir.Aylik 200,000 men, women and children's underwear, pajamas and nightwear production.

Production quality and customer satisfaction at the forefront of making tuttugu created by Ucdal Brix basaran görmüstür.Üçdal great interest in the domestic market under the brand name in the market as well as outside the United States, Canada, several European countries, although counterbalanced and other Arab countries as well as Russia and African countries.


Firüzköy Bulvari No: 90 Avcilar / ISTANBUL


Tel: +90 212 428 32 20

Fax: +90 212 428 32 18


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المستخدم منذ ذلك الحين: Jul 11, 2013
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