Bed Covers Collection 2023 by ALCEYIZ TEXTILE

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الزيارات: 6817
البلد: تركيا
المنطقة: اسطنبول
نوع الإعلان: عرض
Dear users, we are with 30 years of experience and training. purpose of the cold weather of winter, writing the latest designs homes, sad autumn rains of spring brings the freshness of newly opened flowers, peace of mind. imagine the world's most beautiful bays of using our products, we wanted to remove the countryside you ride. designing originality, innovation , difference, aimed at quality. from creating have used the latest technology. products grtirmesini wish you happiness and peace of a different color to your home. In the future we will build design (bed linen, blanket, bed linens, etc.) originality and quality of our products we promise that we will never be .. Regards Alceyiz family and employees.

Demirkapı Mh. İnönü Cd. 4/4 Sk. No:6 Bağcılar - İstanbul / Turkıye

Tel: +90 212 445 91 04
Fax: +90 212 445 91 04
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المستخدم منذ ذلك الحين: Jul 11, 2013
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